The Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, announces the appointment of 5 new members to the USU Board of Regents.
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, announced the appointments of Dr. Ronald Blanck, Dr. Haile Debas, Dr. Michael Johns, Dr. Kenneth Moritsugu and Dr. Gail Wilensky, to serve as members of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) Board of Regents, Sept. 12, 2008. ...more

DoD Press Release

New Members

    Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fall    

Ron Blank (Chair)

Michael Johns

Haile DeBas

Kenneth Moritsugu

Gail Wilensky

Former Members

Honored for their years of service

The Honorable Everett Alvarez, Jr.
Chair, Board of Regents

Mr. Alvarez is President of his own consulting company, Alvarez & Associates of Washington, DC.  A decorated naval officer and former administrator for the Department of Veterans Affairs, he spent more than eight years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam and wrote two books on his experiences, Chained Eagle and Code of Conduct

The Honorable Linda Stierle
Vice-Chair, Board of Regents

Ms. Stierle is Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the American Nurses Association, representing 2.7 million of the nation's registered nurses.  Ms. Stierle retired as a Brigadier General in the United States Air Force Nurse Corps, serving as the Director, Medical Readiness and Nursing Services.

Some thoughts from our President

President Rice wrote to the newly appointed Board members to welcome them to the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Board of Regents.

He told them: "On behalf of the university I thank you for agreeing to undertake this service. We will strive to make full use of your talents, advice and guidance and provide ample opportunities for you to learn more about the university and the Military Health System (MHS).

"This truly is a unique time in our history as we work to educate health professionals to care for those in harm�s way and expand the knowledge base to offer new ways to maintain health, protect people from injury and disease, and treat those who have been wounded in battle or suffer from disease or disability."

President Rice also wrote to departing Board Chair, Mr Everett Alvarez, saying in part: "Your service to our nation and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences is widely recognized as extraordinary. You have served this institution for over 20 years, serving two terms as a member and two terms as Chair of the Board of Regents."

"Your contributions are too numerous to count, but it is perhaps even more important to note that many credit the very continued existence of this remarkable institution to your care, tenacity and deep belief in its mission."

and to Ms Linda Stierle, President Rice wrote: "We thank you for your service to the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. We know that you have served beyond your term and have continued to give the university your advice and support and we gratefully acknowledge the enormous contributions you have made to this institution, its faculty, students and staff. "

Contact Information

Board of Regents Conference Room
Building D, Room 3001
4301 Jones Bridge Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20814-4799
